In My Orbit…

1 10 2010

Digital Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti /

Politics and California and Hollywood, Oh my!

Apparently E-Bay Meg Whitman, California’s Republican gubernatorial candidate, has been blindsided by her former housekeeper and illegal alien Nicky Diaz Santillian.  The illegal housekeeper is being represented by media whore herself, Gloria Allred, of the Tiger Woods’ slut brigade.

You know the drill as it’s older than dust.  Whitman claims that Allred is working for Democrat Jerry Brown, and trying to discredit her weeks before the election.   Whitman and her husband, who allegedly wrote a note on the smoking gun SSA letter alerting them to a discrepancy in Diaz Santillian’s social security number, should have been smarter about such things, especially since Whitman has had political aspirations for quite some time, and you would think her counselors would have upended every rock they could to make sure she was scandal proof.  In defense of Whitman’s husband, he’s a doctor, and after my husband and I looked at the handwritten note on the letter, we quickly surmised that there is no way any doctor could have written that neatly–especially if he was in a hurry–which the note, if written by Whitman’s husband, seems to indicate.

Whether Jerry and Gloria are playing dirty tricks (more than likely) or Whitman was just plain stupid is still yet to be seen.  We know they are both vying for that all-inclusive Hispanic vote, and this is just the fodder to tip the scales one way or another.

But a new Gallup study is indicating that this may be a futile attempt on the Democrat side of things, as Hispanics are starting to drift toward the Republican ticket.  Gallup blames this on Obama dropping the ball (what else is new) and the popularity of the Arizona law nationwide among Hispanics of South American and Cuban descent.

Hot Air sums it up more accurately and succinctly–It’s the economy, stupid.  Take a gander: Hispanic Voters drifting back to the GOP.

And now for something completely different–a city with two indie films!

Like Dandelion Dust is premiering in the Los Angeles area today, and it’s at least in three theaters within a 15-20 mile radius of my vicinity (Thousand OaksSimi ValleyTorrance).  I can’t say enough good about this movie, which I previewed in last week’s In My Orbit.  If you’re looking for quality entertainment that is worth the price of admission, then this movie fits the bill.  Find a theater near you either on the Like Dandelion Dust Facebook page or via the website.

Also premiering this weekend is Midnight Reckoning, a film by Derrick Warfel, fellow USC alum and Premise member.  The film stars Persia White of “Girlfriends” fame, and soap opera-hottie Bruce Michael Hall.  It has received accolades across the film festival circuit this past year, and will be shown in limited release through the month of October, with a DVD release two weeks from now.

I’ll be viewing the film at the Cinemark Theatre in NoHo–come and join me!



One response

4 10 2010
Your 15 Minutes… « As the Girl Turns

[…] jumped the shark with the current non-scandal that is California Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman’s illegal housekeeper issues.  Greta Van Susteren rightly schools Gloria on this latest foolish quest to gain media exposure, […]